HomeWithJocelyne.ca is the place to begin your search for real estate, whether you are looking to buy, sell or invest in residential, commercial, land, business or industrial. Someone on our team will gladly help you through the process. We are fully bilingual.
Jocelyne Lauzon was born and raised in Orleans. She learned early in life the meaning of value of ‘’service’’. When she started her career in real estate, everyone would say: ‘’Jocelyne and real estate fit together in one word’’. This probably explains why after 33 years of experience in commercial, residential, industrial, condominium, farmland, vacant land, new home sale, businesses, etc.… she has continually been an award winning realtor, bringing the best possible service to her clients even beyond sometimes the call of duty.
Having herself a family life, she understands what little time if left in a day. She works hard at acquiring the best possible knowledge of all aspects of her trade (she is a broker) and she studies the ever-changing face of the real estate market in all its faces. Her diligent work and experience have often impressed her clients and they have responded by sending her referrals among their friends, family members, co-workers and neighbours.
Jocelyne is recognized for her candid approach to real estate. She calls it as she sees it and her clients appreciate her honestly since her clientele has never ceased to increase year in and year out. You will find her fun to work with and this is important since a real estate transaction is many times, your major investment. Your real estate experience with Jocelyne will not only be pleasant, but profitable also.
Hall of Fame recipient
Lifetime Achievement Award
Platinum Award Recipient
Jocelyne a toujours habiter a Orleans. Du tout début, ‘’le service’’ a été sa priorité! Dès la première journée, les gens de la communauté, ses amis et sa famille disaient : ‘’Jocelyne et immobilier… un synonyme’’. Cela explique pourquoi après 33 années de service dans le secteur résidentiel, commercial, industriel, condominium, ferme, terrains vacants, nouvelles construction, entreprise, et… qu’elle a su surpasser et garder son statut comme une agente de réputation en offrant le meilleur service possible a ses clients et parfois même au-delà de l’attente.
Avec une famille a elle, elle comprends très bien que chaque heure dans la journée est précieuse. Elle travaille toujours à accumuler le plus d’information possible dans son domaine (étant un courtier agrée) et elle continue a étudier même avec les grands changements continuel dans ce monde de l’immobilier pour agrandir ses connaissances. Son travail assiduité et son expérience ont souvent impressionner ses clients et par la suite lui a apporter des référence de leurs parts de membres de familles, d’amis, de voisins, etc…
Jocelyne est reconnu pour son approche candide dans l’immobilier. Elle le dit comme elle le voit! Ses clients apprécie son honnêteté car ils n’ont jamais cesser de grandir d’année en année. Elle est plaisante a travailler avec et cela est très important car une transaction immobilière est souvent la plus importante investissement que l’on fasse dans notre vie. Votre expérience ne sera non seulement très plaisante, mais aussi profitable.
Prix pour les réalisations à vie
Temple de la renommée
Gagnant du prix Platinum
Email Jocelyne
Since 1986, I have accomplished a multitude of transactions and gained a wide variety of valuable experience in residential and commercial real estate. When meeting with new, as well as previous clients, I will present to you a complete package of comparible sales or listings geared to your needs. I will also help you arrange, if requested, the financial side, as well as the building inspection side, of your transaction.
Since 1986, my dedication to my clients has enabled me to join the ranks of the Multi-Million Dollar Producer club, as well as the 100% Club, Hall of Fame, and Platinum Club.
For me, buying and selling homes is not just a transaction involving property, it's about you and your family being happy with your customer experience from start to finish. When it's your family and their future, don't settle for any less.
Email Richard
Our Goal: Merely satisfying a client will not be enough. We want to make sure our clients experience exceptional service – worthy of their repeat business as well as referral.
Notre but: Ce n’est tout simplement pas asser de satisfaire nos clients… Nous voulons nous assurer que votre expérience immobilière vous fera répéter notre nom a tout ceux a qui croiseront votre route!
If you are looking for professionalisme, determination, dedication.....Marie Anne is the name you want for an agent that will go beyond the call of duty!
Chere Jocelyne,
Felicitation pour tes vingt ans en immobilier. Nous avons eu besoin de tes services deux fois. Chaque experience ce été très favorable.
Nous sommes maintenant dans un condo qui nous plait. Tu nous as trouve la place ideale en trois semaines. On ne pouvait demander mieux.
Bonjour Jocelyne,
Un grand merci pour le travail que tu as realise pour moi.
Merci pour ta disponibilite, tes recherches, ta clairvoyance, ton respoect de mon rythme de decision, ton appui et tes interventions efficaces.
Je pars, les choses étant en ordre, je crois, j’ai communique mes coordonnees au bureau de monsieur Lucien Brisebois, d’ici le 22 aout, lui ai laisse photocopie de l’offre d’achat de la location de la propriete et lui ai indique qu’il n’y aurait pas de ‘’Waiver’’.
S’il y avait probleme, tu peux me rejoindre aux endroits (no de tel) que je t’ai laisses.
Je te remets aussi les factures de M. Malboeuf, factures que tu M’avais remises.
Un grand merci!
Mille mercis!!!
Chère Jocelyne,
Nous te remercions de ton travail ‘’acharne’’ pour nous!
Tu es une perle!
Bonjour Jocelyne,
Déjà 9 ans disparu depuis qu’ont s’est connu. Et tu a travailler pour vendre notre maison. Et maintenant nous apprécions notre petit chez nous. Grace a toit et a la providence.
Nous te remercions encore de ta loyaute et continue dans ta carrière.
Ont aimeraient te recevoir.
Desole pour les fautes. : )
Suite a ta demande, il me fait plaisir de t'ecrire un petit mot pour dire combien nous avons apprecie ton professionnalisme et ton efficacite !ors des transactions que tu as effectuees pour nous. En 2003 tu nous vendais notre maison de la rue Toulouse en plein mois de novembre. Nous avons quitte pour la Floride en pleine confiance sachant que la masion serait vendue dans les semaines a venir grace a ta tenacite et tes talents de vendeuse. Deux ans plus tard, avec ton aide encore, nous avons vendu en quelques semaines, notre condo de la rue Chapel Park pour acheter la rnaison de ville que nous occupons en ce moment. C'est toi qui nous avait fait visiter la premiere maison rnodele du projet sur la rue Belcourt. Nous !es aimions beaucoup mais nous ne voulions pas de mezzanine alors, l'annec suivante tu nous as permis de visiter une maison sans mezzanine et tu as accepte de transmettre les changernents que nous voulions, au constructeur.
A chaque fois tu nous as grandement facilite les choses. Ta personnalite avenante, ta bonne humeur, ta maitrise des deux langues et ii va sans dire, ton experience et ton expertise, voila ce que nous avons apprecie chez toi. Nous n'hesiterions pas d'avoir recours ates services une autre fois, si !'occasion se represente ainsi qu'a te recommander a nos amis, ce que nous faisons deja d'ailleurs.
J'en profite pour te remercier de tous les services rendus.
Merci Jocelyne
Je suis tres fiere d'etre ton client et je n' hesiterai jamais de donner ton nom com me reference.
J' ai plusieurs experiences professionnelles avec Jocelyne mais la derniere maison achetee fut la meilleure. Jocelyne est toujours a I' ecoute de nos gouts et desirs, done elle sait ce qu' on cherche. C est pourquoi qu' elle a reussi de me trouver la maison de mes reves.
Merci Jocelyne'
As we slowly settle into our new home, we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for all your assistance and guidance with our purchase. Our home is indeed, everything we had hoped for and the neighbourhood is wonderful.
Our move was uneventful with no loses or damage to anything. We would be
remiss ifwe didn't thank you (again!) for your excellent recommendations for a home
inspector and legal assistance for the closure of our home. We have quickly discovered that local professionals are always the best.
Although our time spent with you during our house-hunting and final purchase was short, we were very pleased with your outgoing personality and comprehensive
knowledge of the areas and styles of homes we were interested in. Returning to Ottawa and you, as our realtor, has proven to be a fortuitous and pleasant adventure.
Again, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for all you have done to help us out (again!) and in making our return to Ottawa a happy one. You can be assured we will recommend yourself as a truly competitive and competent broker to our friends and colleagues whom may be required to move in the future.
We recently experienced selling our home with the guidance of Jocelyne Lauzon as our agent. We could not have been better served as we not only developed a client/agent relationship but a warm friendship. Jocelyne is a dedicated agent who exercised her trade with integrity and honesty that gave us comfort and trust in our dealings.
Her professionalism was supported by her accountability of her actions in dealing not only with us as selling clients but also in assuring the buyers were well served. We were most enthused by her quality and timely services which ease the stress for two seniors. We were pleased with her respect and compassion which allowed us to enrich our trust and friendship. Very pleased with our experience with Jocelyne and would certainly recommend her services.
Tout d'abord, nous aimerions te feliciter chaleureusement pour tes 20ans de carriere en tant que
courtier en immobilier.
Nous avons eu le plaisir de travailler avec toi lors de la vente de notre maison ii y a quelques annees. Cette experience fut tres positive grace a ton professionnalisme, ta disponibilite, ton enthousiasme et ta personnalite attachante. Au cours des annees, nous n'avons pas hesite a te referer aux personnes qui se cherchaient un agent immobilier. Dans l'eventualite ou nous envisagions de demenager dans le futur, nous n'hesiterions pas a acquerir tes services.
Nous te souhaitons encore plusieurs belles annees a titre de courtier en immobilier. Merci de nous offrir la chance de gagner un panier de vins. C'est extremement genereux de ta part et tres apprecie.
We recently experienced selling our home with the guidance of Jocelyne Lauzon as our agent. We could not have been better served as we not only developed a client/agent relationship but a warm friendship. Jocelyne is a dedicated agent who exercised her trade with integrity and honesty that gave us comfort and trust in our dealings.
Her professionalism was supported by her accountability of her actions in dealing not only with us as selling clients but also in assuring the buyers were well served. We were most enthused by her quality and timely services which ease the stress for two seniors. We were pleased with her respect and compassion which allowed us to enrich our trust and friendship. Very pleased with our experience with Jocelyne and would certainly recommend her services.
Nous avons reçu ta lettre concernant le tirage du 1 er decernore procha1n.
Nous tenons d'abord ate feliciter pour tes 20 ans de carriere en immobilier et nous tenons a te dire que tu fais de
!'excellent travail. Nous t'avons confie la vente de noire maison, et ça n'a pris que quelques semaines a finaliser le tout On ne s'attendait pas a ce que la vente se fasse aussi raoidement, mais grace a ton experience et ton professionnalisme, le tout s'est deroule sans probleme et nous en etions tres satisfaits. Ne !ache pas, et bonne chance pour tes prochaines 20 annees ...
We have had the privilege of having Jocelyn Lauzon sell houses for us as well as help us buy houses over the last 20 Yrs. I must say that working with Jocelyn is like having a best
friend or family. She is always going that extra mile for her clients. After she found out that I was not Ronnie,things really moved ahead.
Now she and my wife Louise are the best of friends. A pleasant and happy person who does
more then she has too. We would highly recommend Jocelyn for all of your buying or selling your real estate .
Tout d'abord, nous aimerions te feliciter pour ton 20e annIversaIrE: de carnere en immobilier. Bravo! Ton succes est la preuve de ton devouement, ton efficacite et ta perseverance
Notre experience lors de la vente de noire maison en 2005 a ete des plus satisfaisante et nous t'en remercions. Nous referons tes services en tant que courtier en immob1l1er quand l'occas1on se presente.
Par la presente, nous souhaitons participer au tirage et peut etre, si la chance nous sourit, nous pourrons te dire 'Chin Chin'.
The experience of buying a home with you as our agent was one that we will never forget for many reasons. Yes of
course this was Sophie and I first home so that makes it unrorgettable But also the newness of this major life event is enough to cause a lot of apprehension, nervousness, doubt nnd all the other feelings that you live through when
purchasing your first home.
With you by our side every step of the way we felt comfortable, knowledgeable and in great hands. I'm sure there are many great agents in Ottawa but the simple fact that you we're recommended by Sophie's mother really helped us in feeling a lot more comfortable.
The basket of baby thing and the note from the catalogue are the little things that have touched us and we will never forget. These are the little things that I would suspect has set you apart in your long successful career.
You helped turn a dream into reality. With a baby on the way and now a beautiful home you have assisted us in the beginning of the rest of our lives.
And for this we thank you.
When we first met you, you were manning a Rernax kiosk at Place d'Orleans. We were looking for a new home because we had two married sons and their families, our grandchildren, who were living in Orleans.
We'd looked at a couple of houses on our own but we'd decided we needed help. We stopped and chatted with you that day in spring 1995, and we told you what we were looking for You gave us an address for a bungalow (Steamer Lane). We drove by the house and fell in love. We phoned you the next day and you took us to see it.
A few days after we moved in, I saw your car and heard the mailbox, so I thought you'd brought some more adveritising. was very pleased to see a bottle of wine sitting in the mailbox instead! I think that it's things like that that make you a great saleswoman and real estate broker!
Twelve years later, we phoned you again, this time looking for a condo. You took us to see quite a few places, but when you brought us to Playfair Drive and you saw us both sitting with a smile on our faces, you said, "I think you've found your new home!"
We've been in our condo for two years now, and we are still very happy here. You were right: we had found our new home here! Congratulations on celebrating your 20th year as a real estate broker!
II y a deja 4 ans que tu as vendu notre petite maison a Orleans dans Queenswood Heights. Nous avons
demeure a cet endroit pour tout pres de 20 ans alors Pierre et moi connaissions pas grand chose au niveau de la vente d'une maison et tu nous a bien guide pour comment preparer la maison sans exiger de nous
de tout repeinturer. Deja qu'une vente de maison pour les propnetaires est enervant , tu connais tres bien
ton produit, tu sais sou lager tes clients et moi je peux dire que je me sentais en tres bonne main. J'avais
grandement confiance en toi et malgre que c'etait un temps plus difficile pour la vente, tu as quand meme
reussi a vendre notre maison a temps. Aussi, je veux rajouter qu'a chaque fois que je te laissais un message, tu me rappelais et pour moi c'etait bien important.
En tant qu'agent immobilier pour REMAX , tu fais un excellent travail, je te recommanderais n'importe
quel temps!
Merci Jocelyne.
Au plaisir de se revoir!
My very first meeting with you was at an open house when we were looking for a condominium for our daughter. We spent time talking with you and I said to my husband when we left that if we ever needed an agent in the future, we would see you because of your professionalism and personality.
Writing about our experience with buying a house from you brought back many memories.
If you recall, we had already sold our house and I definitely wanted to move to Le Pare on St. Laurent
Blvd. Unfortunately, there was nothing available when we stated looking and you did a very good job of showing us other places, but my heart was really set on Le Pare. Time was running out and my husband Roger was getting very, very nervous about where we would live.
Well, what you did - and I can never thank you enough - somehow, you worked magic on your computer and as soon as a place jumped on the market for Le Pare (like 6 PM that night) you immediately got us the very first appointment to see the apartment at 11 :30 AM that morning. We entered the apartment, had a few minutes to see it before other people were coming in with their agent to view it also.
We headed directly to your office. We made a bid right away (offered $100 more than they were asking - you said don't give them any reason to counter bid), you did your magic with phone calls, etc.; and by 2 PM the paperwork was signed by the sellers and us and we had the apartment I could not even remember what the apartment looked like, but I was so happy to be in that building. As it turned out, we had the 29th floor apartment with a gorgeous view and to me, the best layout in the building.
We are still in the apartment and love it.
J'espere que tu vas bien. II me semble que on ne s'est pas parler depuis longtemps. Je te fais parvenir notre soumission pour ton tirage de panier de vins.
Que dire de ton service - nous sommes retourner te voir a plusieurs reprises soit pour la vente de nos deux residences (la premiere en 30 minutes et l'autre en 30 heures et finalement en 30 jours) et aussi pour l'achat deux condos en meme temps - ça s'etait du sport. Te voila, toujours avec ton sourire et ta bonne humeur. Les fois que je te demandais un conseil professionnel ou meme juste te parler - c'est toujours un plaisir. On se sent traite plus comme amis que clients. II n'y a aucun doute que tu es la premiere en ligne quand nos amis et famille nous demandent, "Connaissezvous on excellent courtier qui peut repondre a tous nos besoins immobiliers?"
Une derniere chose - Denis aime vraiment deguster un bon vin. Penses a lui.
My experience was buying a home through the help of realtor Jocelyne Lauzon in 1999.
She reviewed what I was able to afford and what type of house fit me at the time. Then I took the summer to find a home for me, my daughter and son. Jocelyne set me up to look at many homes within my price range. After a while it was tiring as I was nearing the end of summer. My children were registered for school but I wanted to have them settled in the home before school started. In August of that year I found the townhouse and made an offer. After some back and forth with the price. The owner of 1476 Perez accepted my offer. Jocelyne recommended a lawyer in Orleans to help me complete the details as the new owner of this house.
We moved in September 1, 1999 and today I have been in my home for ten years. I have made some upgrades and changes and I still have a few things to complete.
Thank you Jocelyne for providing the great service and I would like to wish you a happy 20th Anniversary with Remax!
Felicitations pour tes 20 ans en tant que courtier en immobilier.
Nous avons fait ta connaissance ii y a plus de 12 ans et ce sans regrets.
Nous etions a la recherche d'un agent immobilier afin de vendre notre propriete. Nous en avons rencontrer de tout genre mais nul n'a fait l'impacte que tu as fait. Des notre premiere rencontre, je savait que tu etait l'agente pour nous.
Des cette premiere rencontre, tu as immediatement reconnu l'attachement emotionel que mon epoux avait pour notre demeure et tu en etait tres respectueuse. Tu as delicatement et honnetement offert ton expertise afin de nous aider a
vendre notre maison. Le temps de l'annee n'etait pas le meilleur, le marche pauvre et tu avait un client tres difficile.
Malgre tout ces obstacles, tu est demeure tres professionnelle et positive. Tu as tes clients a coeur, tu est tres honnete
et respectueuse, ce qui a mon avis fait de toi une agente de premiere classe.
Les annees passent et voila que nous te referons a nos enfants. C'est rafrafchissant de savoir qu'ils sont en bonne main
et que tu voit a leur interet. lls ont fait l'achat de leur premiere maison avec grande fierte. Tu les as guider jusqu'au grand
jour du demenagement et ce fut pour eux une experience positive.
Nous voila encore sur ce manege de vente / achat. Merci d'etre a nos cotes . Ce n'est qu'un debut par contre j'ai grande confiance que le resultat sera positif
Merci pour ton devouement
18 years ago we retained the services of Jocelyne Lauzon, Remax to find us a home since we had sold our house in Quebec.
A friendly professional who immediately made us feel at ease during house huntings and the whole buying process. She was meticulous with documentation and attentive to our expectations.
Without delay she always answered our questions by giving her personal recommendations with our best interest at heart.
Also, she was very thorough in explaining and advising about being a 1st time home owner to our 25 yr old son. He recently bought his first house with Jocelyne and is very happy. We always recommend Jocelyne to our friends and family.
Thanks Jocelyne!
Jocelyne Lauzon was born and raised in Orleans. She learned early in life the meaning of value of ‘’service’’. When she started her...
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~ Jocelyne Lauzon
Courtier en immobilier